Bitlbee Pidgin Otr Migration
I’ve been a Pidgin user since back in my Mac OS days (technically an Adium user there, since it is possible with MacPorts to run true Pidgin on Mac OS, but that’s not especially important). I remember how convenient it was when Adium added IRC support, and I could finally move all of my chats into one client. And the closeness between Pidgin and the OTR Project is reassuring. With all that said, this post intends to provide what I found to be missing information for purposes of converting from a Pidgin setup into a Bitlbee+Weechat setup (though most of the information here is not Weechat-specific).
First, it is never bad to have alternatives. Having alternatives prevents users from becoming locked in to a specific project, and in many cases when there are multiple projects performing the same task, new functionality can be added to both without too much trouble so long as licensing issues do not arise.
Second (and this is most important to me), starting with version 3, pidgin will be using libwebkit. (You don’t have to take my word for it; go try to build the source tree without webkit installed if you don’t believe me). I see this move as akin to using a jackhammer to crack walnuts: sure, it can be done, but jackhammers are much better at other things, and there is likely to be collateral damage induced. The potential collateral damage I see is not webkit specific; rather, I see problems with using any library of that level of sophistication as problematic, given this list, which is webkit-only. I would be happier if some other engine were used (as I remain a Firefox user), but that doesn’t solve the problem, as this list (and to a lesser extent this list) show. A chat to me is very different from (and much simpler than) a web page.
Finally, despite my initial excitement over the addition of IRC support, I’ve found this support to be somewhat underpowered compared to traditional IRC clients. Your mileage may vary depending on what your IRC usage looks like; I’ve met users perfectly happy with Pidgin’s IRC support, and those who feel constrained by it.
Bitlbee setup
A quick note here: I’m working in Debian here, and have not verified upstream defaults or defaults in other distributions. So when I say “by default”, it should be taken to implicitly be “by default in Debian.
That said, once Bitlbee is installed, it will start an IRC server running on port 6667. I suggest firewalling this off unless you are installing on a server and plan to make it multi-user.
Bitlbee will also drop privs from this started service to the “bitlbee” user, which is created on install. You don’t really need to do anything with this; just know it exists.
A couple settings are worthy of attention in /etc/bitlbee/bitlbee.conf.
First, by default, bitlbee refers to the machine it’s running on as
“localhost”. It claims to be able to do detection, but I expect this is
somewhat stunted by my firewall. Anyway, this is controlled by the “HostName”
setting (so, for me, HostName = kirtar
Next, if you’re running bitlbee on the same machine as your IRC client as I
am, there’s really no point in having client/server PING/PONG happen. Your
client will connect to a local bitlbee instance, so giving it the ability to
ping out is somewhat nonsensical. If that fits your use-case, set
PingInterval = 0
and PingTimeOut = 0
Moving connections
I’ve been saved actually writing content here by the existence of the script. It comes bundled with bitlbee-common. An invocation to it looks something like
/usr/share/doc/bitlbee-common/examples/ -f .purple
It will spit out a sequence of commands to send root on the bitlbee network to add your existing non-IRC accounts.
More information on this can be found on the Bitlbee wiki.
IRC accounts will need to be added manually into your IRC client (here Weechat), though this is likely not complex for most clients.
Weechat-specific notes
Many servers, when connected to using Weechat, will complain about an
incorrect dhkey size. The size of dhkey it expects is controlled by the
parameter irc.server.<servername>.ssl_dhkey_size
, where
Moving OTR
This is the most fiddly and complex part of the process. Unless you for some reason need the OTR keys you generated using Pidgin (e.g., you authenticated with someone you don’t see on a regular basis), I highly recommend you skip this step and just regenerate your OTR keys in Bitlbee.
More information on Bitlbee OTR can be found on the Bitlbee wiki. I will emphasize that (as they say on the wiki page) OTR should never be offered on a remote and/or public server, since it provides a false sense of security.
Moving OTR trusted fingerprints
The trusted fingerprints file is stored for Pidgin at
~/.purple/otr.fingerprints. It is stored for Bitlbee at
- Pidgin stores resource information in this file; Bitlbee does not.
- Pidgin names their protocols oddly: “prpl-jabber” instead of “jabber”, for instance.
- Bitlbee does not distinguish between “verified” and “smp” fingerprints; it calls them both “affirmed”.
So I used some sed magic to convert this file. You’ll probably want something like
sed ~frozencemetery/.purple/otr.fingerprints -e 's/\/kirtar//g' \
-e 's/\/jeska//g' -e 's/prpl-//g' -e 's/smp/affirmed/g' \
-e 's/verified/affirmed/g' > /var/lib/bitlbee/frozencemetery.otr_fprints
Note that “kirtar” and “jeska” are my XMPP resources; substitute your own if needed.
Moving OTR private keys
This process is much harder to script. Once again, pidgin stores private keys
at ~/.purple/otr.private_key (yes, it is singular), and Bitlbee stores a
similar file at **/var/lib/bitlbee/
- Pidgin stores resource information in this file; Bitlbee does not.
- Pidgin names their protocols oddly: “prpl-jabber” instead of “jabber”, for instance.
As a side effect of (1), if you change the resource at some point, you will end up with multiple OTR private keys seemingly for the same account. As a result, it is not easily possible to script this process; some trial and error will be required.
My suggested procedure here is this. First, generate a private key for each account using Bitlbee’s OTR. Then, in this file, replace each key with the version from Pidgin. Find a buddy and for each key, check that you have moved the correct key (if there is only one such possibility, you have moved the correct key).
It is frustrating that for a protocol as nominally standardized as OTR, there is so much variety in how key files are stored. I picked Bitlbee for OTR because it was the only non-Pidgin client I could find that correctly uses libotr directly (Weechat-otr uses a scary pure-python OTR re-implementation, and irssi-otr (same project as xchat-otr) was found to be very crashy in practice with an annoying habit of gobbling a core for no discernible reason), and it’s also somewhat disappointing that other clients have this much trouble. Even Pidgin cores the machine while generating keys, which Bitlbee does not do so.
I’m very happy with my new setup. Not only did it satisfy my three reasons for leaving Pidgin, but I can also now run my chat client without starting X, should I desire such. Hopefully this post is helpful to someone attempting a similar task. Thanks for reading!