Charlie recently wrote an excellent post on Kerberizing mariadb and talking to it with SQLAlchemy. This is using RPMs I’ve constructed for development and as such contain code not yet upstream, but once it is completed (I need to write the encryption part) will become widely available.

I think this is great news for anyone running mariadb in a situation where Kerberizing is helpful (such as OpenStack), but I want to speak to something related: what about PostgreSQL?

Towards a Fully Kerberized PostgreSQL

Adam has previously written on Kerberizing Postgres for Keystone and this post depends on that work. However, his post is more focused on the specific case of OpenStack, while I hope this post will be more broad in scope. Additionally, at the time of his post, Postgres only supported Kerberos (GSSAPI) authentication; I have since written encryption support as well.


Postgres is in an interesting place right now. Before my changes, the only encryption choice is to use OpenSSL and certificates. While this is fine and dandy for some use cases, if certificates are not already in use for database connections, this can be a pain point to manage.

Kerberos is an authentication solution used in enterprise and enterprise-like (read: multiple users and shared resources they wish to access) environments. Applications can use Kerberos to offload their authentication to a centralized (and replicatable) provider, the KDC, which manages Kerberos services. The easiest way to create a KDC is to use FreeIPA.

Applications should generally (and typically do) consume Kerberos through either the GSSAPI or SASL, which provide interfaces for the aforementioned offloading of authentication as well as encryption (!). Kerberos has a number of other advantages as well, but for purposes of this post, it provides strong authentication and encryption guarantees as well as avoiding the need for certificate management (though it can still be used with certificates if desired, which I will not go into here).

How do I do this?

If you want GSSAPI encryption (as opposed to only authentication), you’ll need my patches which are on my GitHub. The rest of the instructions are the same since all GSSAPI authentication is opportunisticly encrypted in my patches.

Set it up

We’ll be going on Fedora (somewhat arbitrarily, I pick fc22). If you want to follow along exactly, you’ll also need a FreeIPA server, and your postgres server will need to be enrolled as a client.

If you’re running with distro packages, installing postgres looks like this:

$ dnf install postgresql{,-server,-contrib}
$ postgresql-setup --initdb
$ service postgresql restart

If you’re running from source (i.e., using my patches, or maybe just felt like it), it looks more like this after you’ve installed:

$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /var/lib/pgsql/data
$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -D /var/lib/pgsql/data -l logfile start

In both cases, you’ll probably want a root user with corresponding database:

$ su - postgres
$ createuser root -P # set a reasonable password
$ createdb --owner=root rootdb

Now we need to, from the postgres machine, alert FreeIPA to our new service:

$ kinit admin
$ dnf install freeipa-admintools
$ ipa service-add postgres/«fully qualified hostname of postgres machine»
$ ipa-getkeytab -s «full address of ipa server» -p postgres/«postgres full address»@«YOUR DOMAIN» -k /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg.keytab
$ chown postgres:postgres /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg.keytab
$ chmod 660 /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg.keytab

That’s a bit confusing what with all the substitutions. For my setup, I ran:

$ kinit admin
$ dnf install freeipa-admintools
$ ipa service-add postgres/
$ ipa-getkeytab -s -p postgres/ -k /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg.keytab
$ chown postgres:postgres /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg.keytab
$ chmod 660 /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg.keytab

Hopefully that’s a bit more clear.

Next, we need to get Postgres set up for speaking GSSAPI. In particular, it needs to know about the location of the keytab we created just now. This is stored in the file /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf. We need to set the following:

krb_server_keyfile = '/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg.keytab'
listen_addresses = '*'

The first line is the location of the keytab postgres will use; the second is what interfaces postgres will listen on. That setting may not be applicable for all use cases if you have multiple internal or external networks.

After that, we tell postgres what users are authorized to connect using GSSAPI. Two files control this: the first is /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf. For testing, I set

host all all gss include_realm=1

and comment out all other fields. This allows any user to authenticate by GSSAPI on any address, which is probably not what you want. Adjust as necessary.

Since we set include_realm=1 above, we also need to tweak /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_ident.conf like so:

kerb /^(.*)@RHARWOOD.BIZ$ \1

replacing RHARWOOD.BIZ with your realm as needed. Combined with the pg_hba.conf setting above, any user connecting from my realm is allowed to connect on any address as long as they have a corresponding local user.

Speaking of which, let’s apply those changes and create a user. First, restart postgres as above; again, if you’re using distro packages this looks like

service postgresql restart

and otherwise like

/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -D /var/lib/pgsql/data -l logfile reload

Now we should create a local user:

$ su - postgres
$ createuser rharwood@RHARWOOD.BIZ
$ createdb --owner=rharwood@RHARWOOD.BIZ rharwooddb

and as above, replace rharwood with your user and RHARWOOD.BIZ with your realm. Then restart postgres one last time.

Seeing it in action

Finally, you’ll probably want to test your connection, perhaps with wireshark if you’re verifying presence of encryption. So:

$ su - rharwood # your user
$ kdestroy -A
$ kinit
$ klist
$ psql -h -U rharwood@RHARWOOD.BIZ rharwooddb
$ klist

In addition to encryption (if you’re using my patches), you should also see a difference in output of the two klist invocations of a service ticket for the “postgres” service.

Future work

Of course, these patches need to land upstream. One major caveat of opportunistic encryption as I’m doing here is that an attacker sitting in the middle can cause encryption to not occur, and oberve and tamper with all traffic freely. This will not be the case in the final version merged upstream. Instead, there will be (in pg_hba.conf on the server and a parameter on the client) to require encryption; the connection will then fail if the other end is not willing to encrypt. This resolves the man-in-the-middle concerns.

Eventually, I’d like this parameter to default to “require” rather than “request” as it will at first; however, for backward compatability, it needs to default to “require” at the present time.


Thanks for reading! If you have questions about using a Kerberized configuration of Postgres (or, really, any other Kerberized software), or about adding Kerberos (GSSAPI/SASL) support to other software, please do not hesitate to ask (see contact page).