Walk through most Linux distro installers these days and the partitioner will try as hard it can to get swap setup. It takes about five clicks to get it not to do that - and two of them on “WARNING: DANGEROUS”-style dialog boxes. This means a few more configuration tweaks that need to be made for something that is already delicate: installing a system. And without not a sane default, too.

Swap can be conceptualized as “overflow memory” - the space where pages are evicted to when main memory is full, essentially. On macOS and Windows, there is a magic, quasi-invisible “swap file” that the operating system manages transparently (for the most part); on Linux, a dedicated swap partition is typically used instead. But there is no reason one could not use a swap file on Linux; in fact, Ubuntu plans to do just that by default. (Yes, I’m late to the party.)

Now, I have cited a blog with the name “OMG UBUNTU!”, so we cannot realistically expect incisive journalism (nor can we from a blog with the names “MIVEHIND” and “out.log”). But I would think they could do better than this:

What’s important here is that some form of swap is maintained, it doesn’t matter how the swap is implemented. Anyone who’s ever used or set-up a ‘no swap’ system only to then run out of memory will know it’s not a pretty experience!

So okay. I have provisioned “a few” systems, and I have made a few mistakes. (More than a few, but not the point.) And yes, in some cases I have run out of memory. I think however that this statement - that “it’s not a pretty experience” - misses that there are two distinct ways to trigger an out-of-memory situation on Linux.

Of note, cwhen a system runs out of memory, it is, yes, not very pretty: if more memory is requested by a processes, then the kernel terminates processes until the problem is resolved. But while it may not be pretty, it is at least understandable, and it is definitely readable.

But let us consider the alternative. If a system exhausts physical memory and starts using the swap space, the result is even worse. Everything slows to a crawl: the speed of disk access rather than RAM. The entire system lags, essentially, while it thrashes the disk. There are two ends to this situation, and herein the distinction lies: either the kernel eventually kills a process with large enough memory footprint (once swap space is exhausted as well), or the system lurches on (spending most of its life in-or-near a swapping state).

Keep in mind, though, that filling up swap space takes about an order of magnitude more time than it did to exhaust physical memory (using the standard recommendation of >2x swap space as physical memory). So if we are in the “runaway process” bucket, it will take a very long time before the swap fills up and the OOM killer triggers. During which the system will be borderline unresponsive.

On the other hand, if one configures a system planning to use swap, I really do not know what to tell you. In most cases (i.e., servers, personal hardware, and virtualization; pretty much everything except retro), memory is not that expensive. Really. If you plan to use swap, you introduce unpredictability into your machine, and that is the opposite of what I personally want out of my systems.

The laptop and desktop crowd often advocate for another use of swap: hibernation. Hibernation (“suspend to disk”) is the source of the 2x multiplier on physical RAM for swap size, since it needs to write out all of physical memory to disk. Before I went swapless (which I have been for a very long time), I did have my laptop set up to hibernate. And I do not think I ever used it. Normal suspend (“sleep” or “suspend to RAM”) fulfilled my power needs in the rare case where I did not just leave it on with the lid closed. And boot times on Linux these days are so fast that it is not worth hibernating anyway.

Before we leave, I also need to take issue with the statement that it does not matter how swap is implemented. It matters a great deal. With a swap partition, one has committed all of that space to swapping; it cannot be used for other things. On the other hand, with a swap file, and a system that never swaps, that space can be freely used for other purposes. If one insists on hibernating, this is also the clear way to go (especially for encrypted LVM, the guides for which all seem to incorrectly recommend randkey-swap).

Final thoughts

So with all that said, it seems as though I am advocating for never having swap. Indeed, I almost want to say so, but with the advent of SSDs I am not entirely sure. It is possible today to configure everything on a “normal” (i.e., spinning) drive and then add another drive (fast SSD, for instance) as swap. If implemented correctly, this results in using the SSD as a cache for the spinning drive; the theory, as put forth by Apple and others, is that this will result in near-SSD speeds in most cases without sacrificing the capacity (and cost) of traditional hard drives. I have not yet used reliable SSDs, so I cannot yet say for sure, but we will see.