(Previously part 2 and part 1.

Right now, there are 1917 open CVE bugs against Fedora. This is a decrease of 172 from last year - so again, we report good news. Gratitude toward maintainers who have been reducing their backlog.

Year breakdown:

2005: 1
2011: 1
2012: 4
2013: 4
2014: 5
2015: 17
2016: 71
2017: 227
2018: 341
2019: 225
2020: 311
2021: 710

While the bug that was last year's tail (a 2009 bug) has disappeared, the tail is now much longer with the addition of the 2005 bug. The per-year deltas are:

2005: +1
2006: N/A
2007: N/A
2008: N/A
2009: -1
2010: N/A
2011: -1
2012: -5
2013: -1
2014: ±0
2015: ±0
2016: -1
2017: -25
2018: -26
2019: -35
2020: -390
2021: +302

(N/A is reported where neither last year's run nor this year's run had bugs in that year bucket, while ±0 indicates no change in the number year to year. The 2021 change is somewhat expected since there's a lag between CVEs being assigned numbers and being disclosed.)

Unfortunately, the balance has shifted back toward EPEL: EPEL has 1035 of the 1917 total, a change of +77. This has outsized impact because EPEL is much smaller than non-EPEL Fedora.

For ecosystems, the largest ones I see are:

mingw: 99 (-41)
python: 95 (-14)
nodejs: 85 (-14)
rubygem: 20 (-7)
php: 13 (-6)

and it's nice to see a reduction on all of them.

Finally, to close as before, there have been no changes to Fedora policy around security handling, nor is there a functioning Security Team at this time. Obviously no one should be forced into that role, but if anyone wants a pet project: the incentive structure here is still wrong.

For completeness, since bugzilla has changed a bit, here's my script operating on the CSV file:


import csv
import re

from collections import defaultdict

with open("Bug List 2.csv", "r") as f:
    db = list(csv.DictReader(f))

print(f"total bugs: {len(db)}")

years = defaultdict(int)
r = re.compile(r"CVE-(\d{4})-")
for bug in db:
    match = r.search(bug["Summary  "])
    if match is None:
    year = match.group(1)
    years[year] += 1

for key in sorted(years.keys()):
    print(f"    {key}: {years[key]}")

epel = [bug for bug in db if bug["Product  "] == "Fedora EPEL"]

print(f"epel #: {len(epel)}")

components = defaultdict(int)
for bug in db:
    components[bug["Component  "]] += 1

# This spews - but uncomment to identify groups visually
# for c in sorted(components.keys()):
#     print(f"{c}: {components[c]}")

def ecosystem(e: str) -> int:
    count = 0
    for c in components:
        if c.startswith(f"{e}-"):
            count += components[c]
    return count

print(f"mingw ecosystem: {ecosystem('mingw')}")
print(f"python ecosystem: {ecosystem('python')}")
print(f"nodejs ecosystem: {ecosystem('nodejs')}")
print(f"rubygem ecosystem: {ecosystem('rubygem')}")
print(f"php ecosystem: {ecosystem('php')}")